Wednesday, February 29, 2012

QLD:Still no trial date for ABC's Eddie Groves

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD:Still no trial date for ABC's Eddie Groves

BRISBANE, Aug 12 AAP - Former ABC Learning Centres boss Eddy Groves is expected to
learn next week when he will stand trial on a charge relating to the collapse of Australia's
biggest childcare chain.

Groves was committed in February in the Brisbane Magistrates Court to stand trial on
one count of breaching the Corporations Act by using his position dishonestly as a director.

Former ABC CEO Martin Vincent Kemp will also stand trial with Groves after being committed
last month on two counts of breaching the Corporations Act.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is alleging Groves and Kemp engaged
in a dishonest deal just months before the company's collapse.

The charges arose from a two-year investigation after ABC Learning collapsed beneath
$1.6 billion of debt in November 2008.

Their cases were set down for mention in the Brisbane District Court on Friday, where
a trial date was to be set.

But because of scheduling clashes between the Crown and defence, chief Judge Patsy
Wolfe adjourned the matter for further mention next Friday.

AAP ka/crh/jnb


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Wood to swap gun for baton as it skirts Melbourne

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Wood to swap gun for baton as it skirts Melbourne

Actor JOHN WOOD's going to swap his police gun for the Commonwealth Games Queen's baton
.. as he carries it through the tourist town of Healesville on Melbourne's rural fringe.

WOOD .. who played Sergeant TOM CROYDON on Blue Heelers for 12 years .. will carry
the hi-tech baton into Healesville's Queen's Park this afternoon.

Tomorrow .. car racing legend PETER BROCK will take the baton out of Healesville and
send it on its way north to the country …

FED:Budget just as difficult as others:Swan

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Budget just as difficult as others:Swan

By Colin Brinsden, Economics Correspondent

CANBERRA, April 15 AAP - Treasurer Wayne Swan says next month's budget will be just
as difficult as the other three he has handled.

Mr Swan has repeatedly said that his fourth budget to be delivered on May 10 will be
"tough" and there's speculation it will include cuts to medical research and an overhaul
of the welfare system to encourage more people into work.

Australian Greens leader Bob Brown says his party will not block the federal budget
but will seek changes "at the margins" if it's unfair.

"The government is flagging publicly that it's got tough measures coming down the line,"

Senator Brown told reporters in Canberra on Friday.

"We will take those measures as they come ... if we can get a better outcome for the
Australian people through responsible action ... then we will work for that outcome."

Mr Swan is in Washington attending the G20 Finance Ministers' meeting of developed
and developing countries, which is giving him the opportunity to gauge the pulse of the
global economy ahead of the budget.

"The global economy is strengthening but it's very patchy and its uneven, and I think
its fair to say that there is uncertainty out there and the risk is to the down side,"

he told reporters in Washington.

He said instability in the Middle East and north Africa, and the events in Japan, will
have an impact on Australia.

"Those things all flow through but for Australia our long-term fundamentals are strong
despite the fact there is near-term uncertainty," the treasurer said.

Mr Swan took time out to launch a paper on Australia's response to the global financial
crisis, written by his former chief of staff Chris Barrett, now an Australian scholar
at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars.

"Next month I will deliver my fourth budget and this one will be just as difficult
as those that have come before it," he said in his address.

He said the cost of rebuilding following the summer natural disasters and lower revenues
could affect the budget bottom line in the short-term.

"We will withstand the impacts of these natural disasters, just like we withstood the
GFC better than other developed countries," Mr Swan said.

"Australia is also situated in the fastest growing region in the global economy."

Meanwhile, growth is bringing problems for China's economy, with new data on Friday
showing inflation accelerating to uncomfortably high levels in the March quarter, despite
authorities there tightening monetary policy over the past six months.

China's annual inflation rate ballooned to 5.4 per cent in the March quarter, from
4.9 per cent in the previous three months, while economic growth eased only slightly to
9.7 per cent from 9.8 per cent previously.

Commonwealth Securities economist Savanth Sebastian said while parts of the Chinese
economy had responded to tighter monetary conditions, it will take time for the impact
to be seen.

"If China did pick up the pace of monetary tightening, that could actually serve to
keep Australia's Reserve Bank on the (interest rate) policy sidelines for longer," he

"Clearly an exacerbated slowdown of the Chinese economy would be negative for our economy."

AAP cb/pjo/mo


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

WA:Boat rescue under way off WA south coast

AAP General News (Australia)
WA:Boat rescue under way off WA south coast

PERTH, Dec 29 AAP - A rescue mission is under way off Western Australia's south coast
after two men activated an emergency beacon when their boat broke down.

The former fishing vessel was about 300km southeast of Esperance just before midday
(WST) on Wednesday with a fixed-wing aircraft crew keeping watch above, a WA Water Police
spokesman said.

The two men on the boat were not in immediate danger and rescue officials were devising
the best way to get assistance to them after a rescue helicopter was turned back, he said.

It appeared the recently-purchased vessel had broken down after leaving Esperance bound
for Tasmania, the spokesman said.

AAP ldj/apm


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

FED:Budget surplus of $6.188 billion=7

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Budget surplus of $6.188 billion=7

Mr Hockey was asked why the costings were released late in the day, and not earlier.

"We run to our timetable, we don't run to Wayne Swan's," he replied.

AAP ca/sb/was


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: NSW Liberals announce candidates for Penrith, Mulgoa

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: NSW Liberals announce candidates for Penrith, Mulgoa

The New South Wales Liberal party has announced STUART AYRES as its candidate for the
Sydney seat of Penrith .. and TANYA DAVIES for the seat of Mulgoa.

Mr STUART is a marketing manager and a former player and board member with the Penrith
Rams Football Club.

Mother-of-one Ms DAVIES was elected to Penrith City Council in 2008 and is a manager
of global operating systems for Campus Living Villages.

The state election is due in March next year and the coalition needs to win 11 more
seats .. or a swing of 7.6 per cent .. to claim government.

AAP RTV bzs/wz


2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Qld: Singh mother took evidence from crime scene: court

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Singh mother took evidence from crime scene: court

By David Barbeler

BRISBANE, Aug 27 AAP - The mother of three siblings found murdered in a spa bath has
admitted to the court she took a blood-stained pillow from the crime scene without informing

Shirley Singh on Thursday was on her fifth day of giving evidence in the Brisbane Magistrates
Court in the committal hearing into the murders of her three children Neelma, 24, Kunal,
18, and Sidhi, 12.

Neelma's former boyfriend, Max Sica, 39, is facing the committal hearing accused of
their murders.

The trio were found dead in the spa of the home in the outer Brisbane suburb of Bridgeman
Downs in April 2003.

During cross examination by defence barrister Sam Di Carlo, Ms Singh admitted she took
a blood-stained pillow that belonged to Sidhi from the house.

She told the court she returned the pillow to police a few days later.

The court heard police had allowed Ms Singh back inside the house after the killings
to collect some personal possessions.

The hearing continues on Friday.

AAP djb/pjo/cdh


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Govt to axe regional development network: coalition

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Govt to axe regional development network: coalition

The federal opposition's accused the government of adding to the country's dole queues
.. with up to 150 people set to lose their jobs when the Regional Development Australia
network closes.

Opposition regional development spokesman and Nationals leader WARREN TRUSS says it'll
also affect about 500 community volunteers .. when the network's absorbed into state regional
development boards.

Mr TRUSS says it appears there are no arrangements to allow for the transition of RDA
staff to the state-based bodies when it wraps up on June 30.

He says local communities will have to wade through layers of state government bureaucracy
to have their voice heard at the national level.

AAP RTV srj/tm


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: One-off payments will fund "one hell of a party": Abbott

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: One-off payments will fund "one hell of a party": Abbott

The federal opposition says some people will use their one-off government payments
to fund "one hell of a party".

Opposition families and indigenous affairs spokesman TONY ABBOTT says overall .. the
policy of pre-Christmas handouts to families .. pensioners and carers as part of the 10
billion dollar economic stimulus package .. is reasonable.

But he's told the Nine Network he'd have quarantined lump sums for the necessities
of life for welfare-dependent families in some remote communities.

AAP RTV sld/jmt


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

WA: Trading hours again debated in WA

AAP General News (Australia)
WA: Trading hours again debated in WA

Shop trading hours are again at the front of West Australian politics .. after newly
installed Opposition Leader COLIN BARNETT left open the possibility of change.

On day two of the state's election campaign .. MR BARNETT reportedly said he would
like to see stores opening later during the week.

But he ABC reports him as saying he won't make any changes without extensive consultation.

Trading hours are a divisive issue in the west .. with a 2005 referendum on deregulation
strongly rebuked by votes.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia says Mr BARNETT's comments
are not enough .. and is calling for a full reform.

AAP RTV pv/wz


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Headlines from 2UE news at 0400 (AEDT)

AAP General News (Australia)
Headlines from 2UE news at 0400 (AEDT)

Almost 40 people are known to have died in a suicide bombing in Pakistan

GEORGE W BUSH has touched down in Tanzania on the second leg of his tour of Africa

Qld premier ANNA BLIGH has announced extra financial assistance for the Mackay region
following Friday's flooding

Court documents have revealed some of the stress behind JOHN ILHAN when he died ..

with his assets less than his personal debt at the time

A new survey's found middle aged men are the most likely to spend up big on line

SPORT .. cricket progress .. Super 14 .. AFL NAB Cup .. A League



2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Cummings stable lockdown a precaution

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Cummings stable lockdown a precaution

SYDNEY, Aug 29 AAP - Anthony Cummings' Randwick stable has been locked down this morning
after a horse was found with a high temperature, but the trainer says it is not showing
signs of equine influenza (EI).

Cummings told Sydney radio 2KY the horse had a temperature of 39.5 which was not extreme
but samples had been taken as a precaution.

"For the sake of the situation we reported it and took some samples and hopefully they
will come back clear," Cummings said.

"He didn't look particularly sick but in all the circumstances we have got to be careful."

Randwick Racecourse was shut down during trackwork on Monday when four horses were
found with high temperatures but the samples were all negative to EI.

AAP cw/evt/jlw


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Doctors are sending medical files overseas to cut costs

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Doctors are sending medical files overseas to cut costs

The Sunday Telegraph says doctors are breaching privacy laws and could be endangering
patients' lives by sending medical files overseas to be typed up cheaply.

The paper says its investigation has found a growing number of Australian hospitals
and medical practices are outsourcing secretarial work to companies in India .. Pakistan
and the Philippines.

The newspaper says at least four Sydney hospitals and hundreds of doctors are using
cheap labour to transcribe digitally recorded verbal notes online.

But experts have warned that if key medical terms are mixed up by foreign workers ..

who often do not have English as their first language .. it could prove lethal.

AAP RTV acb/wz


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Judge rejects gov bid to drop terror accused's lawyers =2

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Judge rejects gov bid to drop terror accused's lawyers =2

The case is due back in court in February.

AAP RTV lma/klw/jmt/bart


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Australian accused of paedophilia refuses embassy help

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Australian accused of paedophilia refuses embassy help

CANBERRA, Aug 8 AAP - An Australian school teacher arrested in Jakarta on allegations
of molesting more than 50 children has refused embassy assistance.

The 48-year-old man, named by police only as Peter, was arrested in his rented house
in Jakarta on Saturday after police received reports from two children who fled his house,
police spokesman I Ketut Untung Yoga Ana told news agency AFP.

Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said today the Jakarta-based English teacher allegedly
had molested more than 50 Indonesian street children since moving to the country in 2000.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has confirmed an Australian man
had been arrested in Jakarta on August 5 in relation to child sex allegations.

"Our embassy endeavoured to offer consular assistance, and he said he didn't want consular
assistance," Mr Downer told reporters in Canberra today.

"But it is a matter, of course, for the police."

Consular officers were monitoring the case closely, he said.

Police are alleging the man also molested children in Vietnam and Cambodia.

The spokesman said the Jakarta Centre for Street Children also had filed a complaint
against the Australian.

Andri Cahyadi, a worker with the centre, said the man allegedly had sold movies depicting
masturbating teenagers on the internet, the Detikcom online news reported.

Indonesia, particularly two of its top resort islands of Bali and Lombok, is increasingly
being used as a haven by foreign paedophiles and child sex networks.

A former Australian diplomat hanged himself in his cell in 2004 after he was jailed
for 13 years on child sex offences.

AAP jb/sb/jt/sd


) 2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

SA: Memorial service to remember CFS volunteers

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Memorial service to remember CFS volunteers

Country Fire Service volunteers killed in action in South Australia will be remembered
today .. during a special service to mark the 23rd anniversary of the Ash Wednesday bushfires
in 1983.

CFS staff and volunteers will gather at the Mount Lofty Summit .. to mark the day when
28 people were killed in the fires which swept through the Adelaide Hills and SA's south-east.

CFS deputy chief officer ANDREW LAWSON says today's service carries added sadness ..

following last year's Eyre Peninsula fire which claimed nine lives.

AAP RTV tjd/jv/rt


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Monday, February 27, 2012

VoIP Gets IP Voice Trunking Compliance Certification for Avaya Communications Manager

Wireless News
VoIP Gets IP Voice Trunking Compliance Certification for Avaya Communications Manager

WIRELESS NEWS-April 30, 2005-VoIP Gets IP Voice Trunking Compliance Certification for Avaya Communications Manager (C)2005 10Meters -

VoIP Inc.'s subsidiary VoIP Americas announced this week that they have become the first carrier to successfully complete IP Voice Trunking interoperability and compliance testing with Avaya Communication Manager.
The official compliance testing was conducted under Avaya's stringent Developer Connection Program in Avaya's New Jersey Research and Development facility.

The Nativevoip offering allows enterprises with new and existing VoIP-enabled PBX's to connect to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) utilizing their existing Internet connections.

"Avaya is in 90 percent of the Fortune 500 and arguably the global leader in enterprise VoIP," VoIP Americas President - Albert Rodriguez - is quoted as saying. "While Avaya has been very innovative in this space, the legacy Telco's for a myriad of reasons have been slow to react and instead focused their efforts on residential and IP Centrex offerings, ignoring this compelling market. Being the first carrier to officially interop with Avaya's flagship VoIP offerings gives us a tremendous advantage in leveraging this fertile market."

((Comments on this story may be sent to

((Distributed via M2 Communications Ltd -

(Copyright M2 Communications Ltd. 30, 2005)

California Current

California Current The cold ocean current (a branch of the Aleutian Current) that flows south along the West Coast of North America. Because of the Ekman effect it tends to be deflected to the west away from the coast, causing upwelling of cold water from intermediate depths. This is particularly strong between March and July

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cobalt Networks Teams With Tech Data to Expand Its U.S. and Canadian Distribution Channels.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 21, 1998--Cobalt Networks, Inc. today announced that it has signed an agreement with Clearwater, Fla.-based Tech Data Corp., a leading worldwide distributor of technology products.

Tech Data will distribute the Cobalt Qube(TM) and Cobalt RaQ(TM) product families through Tech Data's extensive channel of value-added resellers (VARs) and computer retailers throughout the United States and Canada.

"This partnership with Tech Data will provide businesses and organizations in the United States and Canada with access to Cobalt's award-winning network communication and application products," said Stephen DeWitt, CEO and president of Cobalt Networks, Inc. "As a distributor committed to delivering real quality solutions, Tech Data is a natural partner for Cobalt."

"The addition of Cobalt's Qube and RaQ product families to our systems offering comes at a time when end users are demanding faster, more secure Internet and intranet solutions for their businesses," said Brooke Powers, vice president and general manager of systems product marketing for Tech Data. "Cobalt's family of network server solutions, coupled with Tech Data's industry renowned technical support services, provide added opportunity for our resellers to answer these end-user demands with affordable, simple and complete Internet/intranet solutions."

The award winning Cobalt product family -- including the Cobalt Qube(TM), Cobalt RaQ(TM) and Cobalt CacheQube(TM) -- provides turnkey Internet services such as email, file sharing, threaded discussions, document management tools and web caching for small businesses, schools, developers, workgroups and Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Cobalt's products can be set up in less than 15 minutes, can be administered from any browser, and require little maintenance.

About Tech Data

Tech Data Corporation, founded in 1974, is a leading full-line distributor of technology products worldwide. The company and its subsidiaries operate in over 30 countries, serving more than 100,000 resellers in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. Based in Clearwater, Fla., the Fortune 500 company generated sales of $7.1 billion in its most recent fiscal year, which ended Jan. 31, 1998. In addition to distributing more than 75,000 products from the world's leading manufacturers and publishers, Tech Data provides extensive pre- and post-sale training, service and support. The company also offers high-quality integration and assembly services and a full range of electronic commerce solutions. Tech Data's web site can be found at

About Cobalt Networks

Cobalt Networks, Inc. is a leading developer of network communication and application solutions that set new standards for value and ease of use. Cobalt's families of products, including the award-winning Cobalt Qube(TM) and Cobalt RaQ(TM) microservers, deliver simple and scalable network server solutions for businesses, academic institutions, developers, and Internet Server Providers (ISPs). Cobalt's solutions are delivered through a global network of distributors, value-added resellers (VARs) and ISPs, and can also be ordered directly from the Cobalt web site. Founded in 1996 and based in Mountain View, California, Cobalt Networks, Inc. is a privately held company with offices in the United States, Europe and Japan. Contact Cobalt by calling 650/930-2500 or by visiting the Cobalt web site at

Cobalt Networks, Cobalt Qube, and RaQ are trademarks of Cobalt Networks, Inc. All other product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Express yourself: Information ensures smooth governance.

GOVERNMENTS today no longer work in isolation. Successful implementation of government policies and decisions hinge largely on how effective their communication is with people. The flow of information and announcements from the various ministries and all their departments must be smooth, quick and updated.

And this is one big challenge that most governments face. Formulation of efficient and integrated information management practices isn't an easy task and demands professional expertise. To negotiate this humongous task with "whole-of-government" management has often been found to have created massive information gaps between the governments and their target audience. Yet, the challenge must be met and with efficacy. As a matter of fact, some governments, especially in Europe and Americas, have privatised their information management system.

This has brought in a revolution in information dissemination management and has perceptibly improved the governments' capacities to reach out to their target audience in time, offer right and targeted information and minimise their turn around time. In keeping with time and evolving technology, the government of Oman has long ago revolutionised its information dissemination system from paper to digital.

This has helped the Sultanate to make all its targeted information accessible from any part of the world within minutes. And the results have been stunning. In view of this, we thought of inviting opinions of our readers on how the government here can make its dissemination of information more efficacious. Could privatisation of the management of all its websites be a panacea worth considering

Thulasidoss Ramachandraan,

Al Kuwhair


It is wonderful to see such a topic raised by Times of Oman, its unbelievable since few months back, it came to mind why most of the rules and regulations pertaining to locals and expatriates are made familiar among the public.

The Times of Oman understood the timely need of people and brought the subject up for discussion on Times Xpresso.

According to me, in the recent past, many prevailing rules pertaining to job opportunity for the locals in important sectors, adherence of minimum payment to locals / expat workmen , declaring holidays to Omanis and expatriates, policies pertaining to recruitment of house maids, medical insurance, policies on new visas, renewal of existing visas, and so on so forth, were published in daily newspapers mentioning that rules were amended and re-amended to benefit locals and expatriates.

But actually what was the change effected to public and their advantage is really takes time to know unless when we approach concerned authorities.

In fact, It is generally discussed that when concerned authorities or ministries departments were approached for particular work to be done, they will come out with a new rule saying that we have to follow this or that.

Is it not shocking news when a person goes with the preparation of what he knows or others says

We cannot demand these authorities to show such orders or amendments but to follow what they say.

Why should information be person driven and why not system driven

The best way is to regularly update all the relevant information, amendments and rules, which are related to people should be made available in the websites of concerned ministries and governments.

Next to best is privatise such management of information so that people can have an easily access the information collect relevant data and gather adequate knowledge without relying on officers.

Communication through Internet is one of the best channels to bring awareness and educate one and all. Website communication is a system driven and more reliable than any other method. Regular and updated sites will ensure tremendous clarity of information.

K. L. Srinivas


I have a fixed feeling and opinion on the issue raised by Times Expresso this week. As a matter of fact, the government of Oman has done some excellent work in regard to making information accessible to common people.

And I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Sultanate's authorities for the initiatives taken.

There are, however, a few points I would like to make clear with an objective to bring to the notice of the authorities.

And I would also hope that the points will be taken note of and corrected in the larger interest of the people.

First of all I cannot help saying that most of the websites of the government are not good looking and are not interactive. And in addition,

I have found some the sites take inordinately long time in opening being too heavy with extremely big picture files.

As a result of this, I feel many visitors to these sites may quickly lose patience and navigate out of the sites.

I also felt that many of the official websites of the government of Oman are not regularly updated.

As a result of this I found a lot of information given in several official websites are old and have no relevance at all.

As a matter of fact, websites primarily cater information and I admit that even if they do not look good it would not matter much if the sites cater absolutely updated information and open fast.

One of the reasons why government across the world have opted for digital information dissemination is that they are fast.

And if the sites take long time to open or the information are not updated regularly the basic objective of digital information dissemination gets frustrated.

The officials sites on tourism ought to be redesigned and they must include more information.

These sites should be made interactive so that if any prospective tourist has any question he or she can put it on the dialogue box.

The question, however, must be answered as quickly as possible.

Maintenance of all the websites and uploading the latest information regularly is certainly not an easy task and require significant technical manpower.

Privatisation of the tasks, therefore, could be an alternative the government may explore and consider.

In an age of digital information dissemination and Internet websites are the primary and exclusive gateways of access to information.

It is imperative on the part of the government, all ministries and their departments to keep their information sources absolutely updated.

I am of the opinion that outsourcing the responsibility to private bodies with adequate experience and expertise in the domain can be of great help.

Khalid Jamal



On the issue raised this week I strongly stand against the motion. In no way I can endorse any move to privatise information management system of the government.

And any attempts to do so will be simply disastrous.

As a matter of fact, I am also strongly opposed to outsourcing maintenance of any of the government and official website.

Even at the risk of being criticised as conservative I would like to reiterate that privatisation is not a panacea for all maladies.

And as one who has significant and proven track record of running highly popular news website for years I can say that even privatisation of the work or any kind of outsourcing doesn't really help.

I have had extremely bad experience in this matter. And I am more than certain that if the government here outsource its information management system, maintenance of all its websites etc information lag will still remain.

I must explain why I am opposed to privatisation of government websites and information management system and dissemination arrangements.

First of all, privatisation will gradually destroy information filtration system. And this will create problems sooner than later.

There will always remain the risk of misuse and misrepresentation of information. Neither of situations will augur well for the government.

Privatisation may also create problems of prioritisation of information.

Wrong prioritisation can certainly send wrong signals to the target audience and create confusions which will spell doom.

In such a situation the government may have to face situations which may tarnish its image even in international domains.

Privatisation of government information management dissemination system can lead to protocol problems as well.

Most importantly, contrary to what is normally perceived privatisation may not always facilitate regular and timely upgradation of information on government websites.

I, therefore, would like to reiterate my opposition of the motion and take this opportunity to impress upon the authorities here that such a move can prove to be extremely counter productive.

Usha Devi Suddapalli


At a time when the world is craving for transparency in every facet of life, it is high time government organisations put to best use the information technology to bring in awareness in all classes of life, by updating all norms, rules, regulations, day to day amendments enabling minimal chances for bureaucracy, red tape and in turn illegal gratifications.

The Sultanate of Oman can be no exception to this, having taken to the course of e-governance and determined to pursue it through web based technology.

Like an old saying that even if one is scolded, it should be clear and well understood by the victim to take note of it and correct self; all norms and changes brought in time to time by the ministries, public authorities and alike, need ideally be updated on the concerned web sites to avoid confusion, inconvenience and delays.

These days when even illiterate are using websites to get information - thanks to net connectivity through cafes and mobiles; updating on web helps to reduce the dependency of most of the end users, as otherwise a cross section of users need necessary take the guidance from public relations agencies, which involves many impediments starting misguiding to cheating to delays.

More often than not, we only here through friends about changes brought in about visa issuance systems, eligibility criteria, restrictions imposed on time to time on regulating family joining visas, maximum age stipulations for issue of new employment visas as well as renewal of present visas, Omanisation of specific fields of activity to name a few.

To get information in force; it's a mammoth task for one to run from pillar to post, with more often than not one ending up with no certain clarity.

At times, one hears changes brought in that affect some nationalities, with not many knowing their specifics.

All these issues effectively call for a timely updating as well as use the media and the overseas consulates. With ever willing print media in two languages, the governmental departments may ideally use the daily newspapers and periodicals to publish the changes as and when they are made.

Besides, the different embassies in Oman should lend a helping hand in posting updates of this kind on their web sites, as well as put up notices on their bill boards pertaining to nationality specific changes.

Last but not least, the authorities may simultaneously resort to text messages on the mobile phones which are fast catching up in this part of world, so that the changes brought in or new introductions on regulations affecting public would get wide publicity and draw attention as well. Education leads light and this education can be imparted by timely publicity that can be brought in through web.

E. M. S. Balachandran

Al Khuwair


The very aim of a website, whether its government or privately owned, is to provide correct information with regular updates.

The emergence of the Internet has grown in all fields of activities of life, whether they are business ventures, public services, government departments or publications or just pure information sites.

Now a days each and every business whether commercial, government or private has a website that reflects the company's interest and contains useful information regarding all its services, its objectives, besides other information.

As a result any user visiting these sites gets information easily without wasting much time and at bare minimum of cost. But this pool of information for users can and does become outdated and the website will not serve the purpose of passing on information to its users if the contents of the site are not regularly updated.

That brings us to the important question as to who should be regularly updating the contents of the websites. That decision has to made by the organisation or the ministry concerned. Here the importance of security of the website has to be the prime objective.

Hence if enough expertise to upgrade the information readily is not available then it can be outsourced. Across the world there are professional companies doing outsourcing and here, in Oman too, such companies do the necessary upgradation of contents for the websites for both the government as well as the private sector.

Here, web content writing is the most important task which should be given the utmost attention by the website owners.

Thus, it is essential for the authorities to ask the content writer to make the article as informative and reliable as possible. Content writing should be very engrossing so that at the very first glimpse the viewer is attracted towards it and he is kept glued to the information.

Content writing should be done specifically for the target audience and it is wise to research beforehand the information that has to be passed on to the websites.

Also, the content should not be too long and mundane as majority of the web viewers don't have the patience to read lengthy articles with repetitive content.

Once the websites are up and running the owners of the site has to make sure that the online site is foolproof and secure.

Stricter monitoring of official government websites as well as of banking and financial institutions needs to be carried after a series of "malicious" online attacks were made recently mainly aimed at financial fraud.

Depending upon the financial health of the organisation their websites can be constantly updated either by hiring experts to work with them or by outsourcing the content writing to specialist who work according to the requirements of the organisation. Hence, it is not the question of whether the websites of government, ministries or banks and financial institutions should be privatised or not.

It is very important that websites of organisation are fully secure with very little opportunity for spams, phishing or even hacking.

Harleen Kaur


The idea of privatisation is most welcome if it is done to raise the profits or boost the national economy.

But just to mend the work culture, privatisation seems to be an extreme step.

Instead of privatising, there are many other ways to hone up the communication channels and keeping information in all the government websites absolutely up to date.

Recruiting right people considering educational qualification and experience, providing rigorous training based on their work profile and creating an ethical work environment will surely give positive outputs.

Proper communication with staff is also beneficial to find out the loopholes of the system. Promoting/ changing posts will minimise the corruption (if exists). Rewarding will create an atmosphere of competitiveness and will boost a worker's energy.

I hereby conclude, the Ministry should tighten up their belts, look for the loopholes in the system and take steps to mend them.

Under such circumstances, even a private company would have done the same.

Khalid Mumtaz Jung


The rapidly changing social and administrative system in Oman needs a drastic overhaul of the information technology support to provide for better connectivity between the public and the government.

The protests which Oman witnessed earlier this year was in fact a call for better efficiency in the management of public affairs.

For an expatriate, the first impression of the Sultanate is that of a well organised system with the latest technology being used by officials of various departments.

Surprisingly, all government officials and even their assistants seem quite tech savvy.

My first interaction with the officialdom at the Muscat International Airport and later at the Ministry of Manpower was a very pleasant experience.

The officials process was completed in a matter of minutes and the waiting period too was relatively short. This is in sharp contrast with what one witnesses in most Third World countries, where harassment of the common man has become an expected phenomena.

This efficiency in the Sultanate can be attributed to the well managed Information Technology apparatus. But what needs to be changed is the need for technology upgradation among the staff.

The Information Technology world is a constantly changing mechanism. What is considered hi-tech may be outdated in a matter of months. The computer skills have to constantly improved.

And this responsibility rests with the senior officials, not with the civil society or the private sector.

Therefore, I am of the opinion that the information management system in Oman is comparatively efficient, and does not need to be upgraded by the private sector.

The government machinery has its own character and should not be corporatised.

Next hot topic: Does the Sultanate require several super-speciality hospitals with the most advanced expertise and state-of-the-art medicare system to deal with critical,

life-threatening maladies

Send us your views and comments with your picture on:

Muscat Press and Publishing House SAOC 2011

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Film fans.

Provided by

Film buffs are invited to sit back and indulge in the world of 'New Wave' Iranian cinema with the 'Shahre Farang - Contemporary Iranian Films' series, which runs every Saturday until July 5 at The Third Line Gallery. This series draws its title, Shahre Farang, from the name of a unique version of travelling picture boxes that were commonly used across the Middle East in the early 1900s.

The Saturday films at the Third Line will showcase the work of many directors, such as the legendary Abbas Kiarostami - a leader of the second generation of Iranian 'New Wave' cinema, to Mohsen Makhmalbaf - founder of The Makhmalbaf Film School, to younger filmmakers such as the Iranian-Kurdish Bahman Ghobadi and groundbreaking female director Samira Makhmalbaf. All these critically acclaimed works exemplify 'New Wave' cinema today, and will be discussed at post screening analysis sessions at the Third Line.

The gallery says that the point of the movie nights is to help viewers further their understanding of Iranian films, "Some viewers may come to revisit familiar favourites, while others might be getting to know Iranian films for the first time," a Third Line spokesperson says.E[sz] Contemporary Iranian cinema is especially noted for its striking combinations of poetry and realism, and these films play between the boundary of fiction and reality, while at the same time employing a distinctive Iranian cinematic language.

All films are in Farsi or Kurdish with English subtitles. In bringing these films to the public, The Third Line Gallery seeks to highlight aspects of the life and culture of the region. Expect many more screenings of documentary and feature films from across the Middle East.

Screenings are free of charge and doors open at 7pm, with films starting promptly at 7.30pm. Seats are limited and on a strict advance RSVP only basis so that everybody can be accommodated comfortably and safely. Please book seats at or call 04 341 1367.

Iranian films on the menu

Saturday, June 21 - 'Salam Cinema' (1995)

Director Dir Mohsen Makhmalbaf holds a casting call for 100 actors to appear in his next film. Five thousand people show up, some desperate, some bewildered and some self-absorbed. Alternately cruel and cajoling, he is relentless in his pursuit of the truth of acting. Can they act?

Saturday, June 28 - 'Time for drunken horses' (2000) (Zamani Baray[R] Masti Asbha)

A young Kurdish family is trying to survive after the death of their parents and attempting to raise funds for a younger handicapped sibling. From collecting money by smuggling truck tyres with a group of Kurdish villagers near the Iran-Iraq border to skirmishes with Iranian soldiers, this film is both poetic and challenging.

Saturday, July 5 - 'Blackboards' (2000) (Takht[R] Siah)

Set in the mountain passes of Iranian Kurdistan, near the border of Iraq, during the Iran/Iraq war, 'Blackboards' follows the lives of itinerant Kurdish teachers who carry blackboards on their backs looking for students. One falls in with a group of old men looking for their bombed-out village, while another joins a dozen pre-teen boys smuggling contraband across the border. In this dangerous, unsteady context, is there a role for a teacher? And is there hope?

E 2007 Al Sidra Media LLC

Provided by an company

American Eagle Energy Inc. Announces Sale of Partial Interest in Spyglass Project in North Dakota.

BILLINGS, Mont., May 31, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- American Eagle Energy Inc. (OTCBB: AMZG; "American Eagle" or the "Company") is pleased to announce today that the Company, and its proposed merger partner Eternal Energy Corp., and a third party signed two related Purchase and Sale Agreements for the sale by American Eagle and Eternal Energy of half of their respective interests in the Spyglass Project located in Divide County, North Dakota. The closing of the first transaction occurred today and relates to the sale of an undivided 50% interest in approximately 8,188 net acres for approximately $7.165 million to be divided equally between American Eagle and Eternal Energy. Up to an additional undivided 50% interest in 714 net acres may be sold to the third party on the same terms and conditions as part of the first transaction in the near term. The closing of the second purchase and sale agreement is currently scheduled for July 26, 2011, and relates to the potential sale of an undivided 50% interest in approximately 1,096 additional net acres for approximately $959,000 to be divided equally between American Eagle and Eternal Energy. The further closing of the first transaction and the closing of some or all of the second transaction remains subject to confirmation by the purchaser of certain aspects of title or other previously granted preferential sale rights. The purchaser is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a publicly traded company with a market cap in excess of $10 billion.

American Eagle and Eternal Energy have recently sought approval for six 1,280 acre spacing units in an area of the Spyglass Project in which they expect to operate and currently plan to drill two horizontal wells in the near term. Eternal Energy will retain operatorship for the project.

The Spyglass Project is a Bakken and Three Forks play in northern Divide County, North Dakota, that has seen a recent increase in drilling in the area. American Eagle and Eternal Energy hold non-operated working interests in several wells drilled in 2011 by SM Energy and by Samson Resources. During the remainder of this year, American Eagle and Eternal Energy expect to participate in up to four additional non-operated wells to be drilled by these parties.

Richard Findley, the Company's Chief Executive Officer stated, "American Eagle is excited to consummate this sale, which will provide a significant capital influx to the Company while it still retains a major interest in its Spyglass Project. The ability to accelerate our strategic growth plan in the near term is an important component of this transaction."

About American Eagle Energy Inc.:

American Eagle Energy Inc. is an oil and gas company engaged in the exploration of petroleum and natural gas. The company was incorporated in Nevada on March 14, 2007 to engage in the acquisition, exploration and development of natural resource properties.

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "safe harbor" for forward-looking statements. Certain information included in this press release contains statements that are forward-looking, such as statements relating to the future anticipated direction of the industry, plans for future expansion, various business development activities, planned capital expenditures, future funding sources, anticipated sales growth, potential contracts, and/or aspects of litigation. Such forward-looking information involves important risks and uncertainties that could significantly affect anticipated results in the future, and, accordingly, such results may differ from those expressed in any forward-looking statements made by, or on behalf of, American Eagle Energy Inc. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, dependence on existing management, financing activities, and domestic and global economic conditions. Persons are encouraged to read our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the eight-month period ended December 31, 2010, our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the three-month period ended March 31, 2011, and our other documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for meaningful cautionary language in respect of forward-looking statements in this press release. Interested persons are able to obtain free copies of filings containing information about the Company at the SEC's internet site ( The company assumes no obligation to update any of these forward-looking statements.


Richard Findley

Chief Executive Officer

American Eagle Energy Inc.


SOURCE American Eagle Energy Inc.

DICE Announces Livio Car Internet Radio Integration.

Users can now access Livio application through factory car stereos

SIGNAL HILL, Calif., May 12, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- DICE Electronics today announced the arrival of the 2011 Silverline DUO Integration Kits with Livio Radio. iPhone users now have full control over Livio Car Internet Radio app's 45,000 plus radio stations through factory radio controls, with no monthly fees.

The DICE Silverline DUO is an automotive interface that enables iPod or iPhone connectivity and offers access to the Livio Car Internet Radio application through car stereo controls, steering wheel or consol buttons.

"Working with Livio Radio allows us to offer users more music options with our automotive integration technology and we're proud to be the first to market with OEM add on and upgrade kits for car Internet radio," said Stephen Witt, Executive Vice President at DICE Electronics.

"I quit listening to CDs when I purchased my satellite radio back in 2003, I cancelled my satellite radio subscription when I installed the DICE Duo plus Livio into my car," Livio Radio founder and CEO Jake Sigal said. "I'm excited we can finally share our engineering development with the rest of the world."

The DICE DUO featuring Livio Car Internet Radio requires the use of an iPhone running iOS 4.2 or higher, the Livio app Version 2.2.0 and an active wireless data connection.

The Silverline DUO product has Apple authentication onboard ensuring full iOS compatibility and firmware upgradable. Siverline DUO Integration with Livio kits for selected Toyota, Lexus, Scion, Honda, Acura, BMW, Mini, Nissan and Infiniti vehicles are available now at $189.99 MSRP. VW, Audi and Mazda are coming soon.

About DICE Electronics, LLC

DICE Electronics is an innovative creator and supplier of products that enable digital media in the automobile and home. Dice uses the latest wireless and connected technologies to deliver great user experience solutions for both the automotive and home environments. With in house design, engineering, manufacturing and quality management, DICE Electronics brings new products to market quickly for its automotive and home customers.

About Livio Radio

Founded in 2008, Ferndale, Mich.-based Livio Radio has already developed a list of successful Internet radio products through ongoing relationships with Pandora, Grooveshark and NPR. The company remains committed to providing sleek and sophisticated radios and accessories for users who want quality without gimmicks, hassles, and unnecessary bells and whistles.

SOURCE Livio Radio; DICE Electronics, LLC

Saturday, February 25, 2012


According to DOD: Science Applications International Corp., McLean, Va., was awarded on April 15 a $14,492,051 firm-fixed-price, level-of-effort contract. The award will provide for the modification of an existing contract, to sustainment services for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, to add 204,581 hours to the order in the amount of approximately $13,800,000. Work will be completed in McLean, Va., with an estimated completion date of July 29, 2011. The bid was solicited through the Internet with one bid received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity (W56HZV-09-A-0003).

From Beijing to Blackburn - birthday celebrations for long-running alternative music show, On The Wire.

M2 PRESSWIRE-10 September 2009-BBC: From Beijing to Blackburn - birthday celebrations for long-running alternative music show, On The Wire(C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS


One of the longest running alternative music shows in the history of UK radio celebrates its 25th anniversary in September.

On The Wire began way back when there was no such thing as 'dance' music, hip-hop was confined to New York City and LA and the UK was in the grip of the New Romantics. Smashy and Nicey still ruled at Fab FM and the London dance mafia were still with their mums shopping for shell suits. Reggae was apparently dead.

Many bands and performers, who were to become musical legends, passed through the show including U2, REM, The Smiths, Depeche Mode and Joy Division - but of late On The Wire has taken a more relaxed view of the music scene and is as likely to play pre-war hillbilly music as much as experimental dance or dub.

Broadcast on BBC Radio Lancashire, On The Wire will have a month-long birthday bash with an extravaganza of specially extended shows and guests from both Lancashire and across the globe.

Once dubbed 'a unique BBC product' On The Wire has been produced and presented by Steve Barker for the past quarter of a century.

Over the past eight years Steve has been contributing to the show from Beijing where he works for the British Council, popping back every now and then to caress the equipment in Radio Lancashire's Blackburn-based studio he has known and loved for years.

Steve says: 'The amazing thing about going all these years is that some people have listened all the way through and others have rediscovered the show after many years 'in the wilderness', it's been a real privilege for me and the rest of the On The Wire team to be able to run a free-form radio show within the hallowed studios of the BBC.'

His first guest on 16 September 1984 was Adrian Sherwood, who provided its now legendary theme tune, and collaborator Keith Le Blanc, who had earlier launched the hip-hop classic Malcolm X on the world via Tommy Boy. The week after it was Depeche Mode and things went on from there.

On The Wire slowly built a reputation throughout the Eighties, reaching far beyond Lancashire and the North West of England. Since the advent of the internet it has built up a world wide audience with its eclectic and sometimes madcap mix of music.

It also expanded its reach beyond the airwaves releasing a compilation CD, Bugs On The Wire, putting the punk rock band The Fall on for free at Clitheroe Castle when 2,500 people and one policeman turned up, and hosting a Christmas party at the Ritz in Manchester, which included Sherwood with Gary Clail, 808 state, A Guy Called Gerald, Little Annie and a heavily pregnant Neneh Cherry.

The programme also gave first radio plays in the UK for 808 State's Pacific State and A Guy Called Gerald's Voodoo Ray.

Throughout the Nineties OTW (as it is affectionately known) went from strength to strength and it now reaches listeners around the world. Celebrations to mark its birthday will feature friends and collaborators from the past 25 years from Detroit and Seattle to Beijing and Blackburn.

Guests will include Steinski (aka Steve Stein) the hip-hop producer who achieved notoriety in the Eighties with collaborator Double Dee for a series of underground hip-hop sample-based collages known as the Lessons; Ashley Beedle who introduced house music to the Notting Hill Carnival and founded the Black Science Orchestra and The Ballistic Brothers; and Pete Holdsworth from the world's premier reggae revival label Pressure Sounds based in the UK and Japan, plus top UK DJs Kode9 and DJ Pinch.

On The Wire is on BBC Radio Lancashire's FM frequencies, 95.5, 103.9 and 104.5 on Saturday evenings at 10.00pm or on BBC iPlayer at

((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data prepared by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

CallWare Technologies announces distribution agreements with MicroAge.


CallWare's Intranet Telephony Suite of Products will be offered through full-line distributor

CallWare Technologies Inc. Tuesday announced an agreement with MicroAge (NASDAQ:MICA), a full-line distributor and global systems integrator, to sell CallWare's Intranet Telephony Suite of products.

This suite includes the CallWare Series 5 -- a voice server, voice board, and CallWare software pre-installed and pre-configured, which is easy to plug into most existing telephone systems. CallWare's patented voice mail system includes unified messaging, free long-distance messaging via the Internet and Internet access to voice mail.

"This relationship with MicroAge ensures the distribution of CallWare's business voice mail solutions to both interconnect and data resellers," stated R. Craig Hansen, CEO and chairman of CallWare Technologies. "CallWare is the only software available today utilizing open data and telecommunications products.

"CallWare's use of industry-standard products allows MicroAge to establish itself in computer telephony, which is quickly growing towards a projected $20 billion dollar industry."

As open, software-based systems, CallWare supports industry standard hardware, software and voice boards. CallWare offers significant savings, improved communications, intelligent call processing and call management applications to businesses of all sizes.

Users of voice mail can see their messages displayed graphically through CallWare ViewPoint or in the GroupWise Universal Mail Box. CallWare voice mail solutions also use the Internet as a mechanism to provide global communication without long-distance charges.

According to Tom Gammon, vice president of MicroAge strategic products and services, "CallWare's software enables our resellers to add computer telephony applications to our large range of products and services.

"The Series 5 bundled solution, assembled in MicroAge's world-class integration facility, gives interconnects and telephone system vendors the opportunity to more easily transition into computer telephony by being able to order a fully-configured system that is ready-to-go, out of the box. This `plug and play' system allows these vendors to concentrate on the telephony hardware and software they know best."

MicroAge Inc., a Fortune 500 company, is a global systems integrator and a full-line distributor of information technology products and services. The company provides systems integration services and distributed computing solutions to large organizations worldwide through its MicroAge Infosystems Services branch network.

MicroAge also serves the computer reseller market as a full-line distributor, offering customers over 20,000 products from more than 500 suppliers backed by world-class logistics and ISO 9001-certified integration services. MicroAge's annual revenues exceed $3 billion. The firm is headquartered in Tempe, Ariz.

An international CTI vendor headquartered in Salt Lake City, CallWare Technologies links computers and telephones by providing the first software-only Internet/Intranet solutions for voice and call processing.

CallWare integrates stand-alone voice mail systems and unified messaging in LAN and Intranet environments with over 300 telephone systems and provides free long-distance voice messaging over the Internet.

CallWare has the largest network of trained and CTI-certified data and interconnect value-added resellers (VARs) which provide computer telephony solutions in 31 countries.

CallWare also offers computer telephony training to end-users and resellers via 25 education centers throughout the United States and the world. Information about CallWare and its complete range of products and services can be accessed on the World Wide Web at -0-

NOTE TO EDITORS: CallWare and CallWare ViewPoint are trademarks of CallWare Technologies Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

CONTACT: CallWare Technologies Inc., Salt Lake City

Reino Kerttula, 801/486-9922


Politis Communicaitons

Kevan Barney or David Politis, 801/523-3730


MicroAge Inc., Tempe

Jay O'Callaghan

Culture clubs need 'sustained funding.' (microbial culture collection)

American microbiologists fear valuable culture collections are corroding as support languishes. Jeffrey Fox considers their complaints.

Microbial culture collections in the US are facing challenges that threaten their survival even though they are recognised as vital to basic research and to several industries.

These stores of microorganisms, mammalian and plant cells, and other elements face restricted funding, a shortage of trained personnel and rapid changes in technology which make maintenance more expensive.

Despite the value of these living archives, microbiologists are finding it difficult to muster support for preserving them. They complain that few appreciate the role of such collections and their plight has little immediate appeal to elected officials or the public.

The National Academy of Sciences held a meeting last month in Washington, DC to review the situation. 'The future of collections is not yet in a state of crisis, but we share a concern,' says Anne Vidaver of the University of Nebraska, who chaired the session. Perhaps more than anything, they need a source of 'sustained funding', she says.

Vidaver points to Japan, Germany, Brazil, and other national governments that are committing substantial sums to build, purchase, and maintain similar collections. Japan, for example, has been purchasing culture libraries from US companies and universities, in a move that is both envied and feared by US scientists in the industrial sector. Within the US, even the usual resources that might be tapped for support are on shaky ground these days.

Although a few biotechnology companies have interceded to rescue special microbial collections from retiring university professors, much of the industry lacks the cash for such gallantry. Meanwhile, the federal agencies, microbiology's historical supporters, are preoccupied with a Congress that is intent on reducing the federal deficit and slashing overall programme budgets.

Alternative approaches for funding include charging higher user fees or levying universal fees on relevant federal research programmes. But neither approach will have much impact if federal research budgets continue to shrink. Moreover, when the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) recently raised some of its prices to offset a drop in federal revenues, orders from researchers dropped off, according to Robert Gherna of the ATCC.

The ATCC, a non-profit corporation that maintains nearly 150,000 cultures at its headquarters near Washington, is one of the two largest collections in the US. The other is supported by the US Department of Agriculture in Peoria, Illinois. Besides these major holdings, there are dozens of smaller sets elsewhere in USDA and in other federal agencies, universities and corporations. For instance, Merck houses 17,665 strains in its library, including microbes used to produce drugs and precursors as well as other strains used to test new antibiotics.

In general, microbial cultures are used widely in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food and bioremediation industries, points out Keith Bostian of Microcyde Pharmaceuticals in Palo Alto, California. 'Annual production accounts for tens of billions of dollars. But it's a serious concern that these collections are corroding from neglect.'

The small and medium-sized compilations at universities, developed typically over decades and often with considerable federal support, are the most at risk. But even the venerable ATCC and the USDA collections are facing budget uncertainties. Indeed, with some powerful members of Congress seeking to eliminate the entire USDA, anxieties over culture collections tend to be overshadowed by a more sweeping question of whether whole programmes will be dismantled.

Meanwhile, at ATCC, 'because 80% of our collection rarely gets distributed, we rely on 20% to pay for the rest,' points out ATCC director Ray Cypess, describing a long-lived business reality. But the biotechnology industry with its close ties to university research has brought ATCC new problems. 'Because everyone now thinks everything is valuable, some researchers are demanding payment for our acquisition of germ plasm,' Cypess says. In the past, researchers freely sent materials to ATCC for safe-keeping.

Moreover, says Cypess' colleague Lois Blaine, data management is becoming an increasingly costly effort for ATCC. This year, for the first time, ATCC began selling its information-loaded catalogue to recover costs. And, although comparable information is made available for free over the Internet, ATCC is thinking of selling its overall data base, she says. In fact, she adds, the organisation could not have gone onto the Internet without support from the US National Institutes of Health.

If everyone moves quickly before the Internet begins charging, however, it may help to address another problem concerning the medium-sized and smaller collections. Because no one knows precisely what holdings are out there, their value, and the dangers they may face, Bostian and other experts recommend developing a full inventory of the collections. One proposal is that researchers compile information on an internationally accessible electronic bulletin board as a first step. Once more is known about these archives, it will become more feasible to determine their value and how to maintain them.

These culture collections face a big philosophical problem: scientists find such work unglamourous compared with basic research. 'In the past, the collections were more directly connected with research, and not just a matter of infrastructure,' says Bostian.

'There are economic opportunities and real scientific questions to address for those who deal with the collections,' Bostian says. But the worry is that the research community will not really appreciate those opportunities until after some of the now-corroding stores have disappeared.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wetpaint Powers Secrets of the Code Author's Community Website for Fans of The Da Vinci Code.

Content from Dan Burstein's Da Vinci Code Guide Jumpstarts Website Edited by Consumers

SEATTLE, May 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Wetpaint ( today announced it has launched a new website in partnership with Dan Burstein, editor of Secrets of the Code: the Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries behind the Da Vinci Code (CDS Books), a collection of interviews, essays, and commentaries related to the mysteries depicted in The Da Vinci Code. The site uses content from Burstein's book to create an innovative online resource and community for those interested in the bestselling Dan Brown novel and forthcoming movie adaptation. In addition to getting scholarly knowledge about some of the finer points of the book, visitors to the site will also be able to easily add their own theories or edit what's already there using Wetpaint's consumer wiki technology. The website URL is

"We're excited to create a Wetpaint site for fans of The Da Vinci Code that leverages Dan Burstein's content," explained Ben Elowitz, Wetpaint's Chief Executive Officer. "Dan has some fascinating information and theories about this story and we know that people are also eager to voice their own opinions. This site is a must-see before the movie opens."

Wetpaint's consumer website technology combines the best content-creation and community-building features of wikis, blogs and online forums to make it very easy for visitors to directly edit the site content, to add new information, pages, or photos, and to connect with others who are interested in the same topic. The resulting site is an aggregation of the community's knowledge, a compelling mixture of expert information, personal experiences, and references to other sources of information on the internet.

"I wanted to broaden the audience of Secrets of the Code and extend this information to all of the passionate fans of The Da Vinci Code," said Burstein. "I'm also hopeful that this Wetpaint site will illustrate to traditional authors, publishers, and content creators how they can get more out of their investment in content and create instant community by engaging consumers. I'm really interested in seeing how the community takes this content and makes it their own. I'm sure some great theories around the Da Vinci Code will emerge."

Wetpaint announced the beginning of its testing phase on March 6 this year and has since launched a total of 16 sites, pre-populated with content to kick-start consumer involvement. The company will end testing this summer and launch its free service, which will allow anyone to create a Wetpaint site from scratch. Early feedback from consumers indicates that they are excited about creating their own Wetpaint websites built around personal hobbies or interests, school groups, social clubs, and much more. For a complete list of existing Wetpaint sites, visit:

About Wetpaint

Wetpaint ( is the creator of web publishing platforms that maximize the power of collective thinking. The heart of the Wetpaint advantage is its ability to allow people -- even those without technical skill -- to create, contribute to, and connect with websites written for and by those who share a passion or interest. Founded in 2005, the company is headquartered in Seattle's historic Pioneer Square. Wetpaint is backed by Trinity Ventures and Frazier Technology Ventures.

About Dan Burstein

Dan Burstein is the creator of the "Secrets" series, which, in addition to Secrets of the Code, includes Secrets of Angels & Demons, Secrets of the Widow's Son, and Secrets of Mary Magdalene (to be published in October 2006). Edited by Burstein and business partner Arne de Keijzer, the "Secrets" books have been best-sellers in almost every major global publishing market, with three million books in print worldwide. They have also been the basis for special collector's issues of US News & World Report. Burstein is a much sought-out expert on the issues relating to The Da Vinci Code and has appeared on numerous television specials from the History Channel's "Beyond The Da Vinci Code," to Inside Edition and MSNBC. A feature film documentary based on Secrets of the Code has just been completed and was recently previewed at the Tribeca Film Festival.

CONTACT: Jason Reindorp of Wetpaint +1-206-226-4085, or

Web site:

Southern Community Announces Stock Buy-Back.

The Board of Directors of Southern Community Financial Corporation has authorized a stock repurchase program of up to 100,000 shares of the corporation's common stock.

(Photo: )

The company will buy shares in accordance with Rule 10b-18 of the Securities and Exchange Commission and intends to purchase the shares on the open market. The shares purchased in the buy-back will be retired from the market.

Southern Community has 8,791,683 shares of common stock outstanding. The company has selected Ryan Beck & Co., Inc. in Livingston, New Jersey (973-597-6000) and Trident Securities in Atlanta, Georgia (1-800-340-6321) to be the brokers for the program.

Southern Community Financial Corporation is the holding company of Southern Community Bank and Trust, a community bank with eight offices in Winston-Salem, Clemmons, High Point, Kernersville and Yadkinville, North Carolina. Services are also provided through "Southern eCom" Internet banking and 24-hour phone banking. Southern Community is headquartered in Winston- Salem, North Carolina.

Southern Community's securities trade on The Nasdaq National Market under the common stock symbol "SCMF" and trust preferred symbol "SCMFP." Additional information about Southern Community is available on its website at or by email at


CONTACT: F. Scott Bauer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Southern Community Financial Corporation, +1-336-768-8500

Web site:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Talking heads: avatars--animated characters that give a 'human' face to online help systems--are developing new skills: giving out product information, gathering marketing data and even helping employees to learn more.

Cartoons used to be thought of as the future of help services on the Internet. Rather than submit ourselves to seeking online help from soulless Web sites where you typed in your problem to be answered with some disembodied text from a nameless operative who could be in Aberdeen or Bangalore, we would all be cheered by little animated images of characters who would troubleshoot us through our difficulties with a cheeky cartoon grin.

These cartoon characters, known as avatars, somehow never managed to populate the Internet in the way that pundits predicted several years ago. Online help continues, in the main, to be a text-based and anonymous service, and if you want some human interaction you have to use a phone.

However, new generations of avatar technology are making headway, and the technology is now colonising not just Web sites but desktops, e-learning centres and mobile phones.

Wary of strangers

There are, though, potentially serious problems with downloading avatars onto corporate desktops in today's ever more security-conscious atmosphere. For example, corporate IT policies prevented NMA from downloading the avatar of the Howard character who fronts ad campaigns for the Halifax bank. Companies are increasingly choosing to prevent their employees from downloading executable files from the Internet, which may threaten the future of avatars designed to live on work desktops unless they can reach an agreement with corporate IT managers, by allowing, for example, the avatar technology to run remotely over the Web so there's less to be downloaded to a local machine.

Another question is why serious brands like the Halifax are interested in avatars. The answer is that they manage to combine a fun element with a serious branding intent.

"Avatars hit the right note between commerciality and fun," says Darrell Mott, new media manager at Arsenal, which runs an Arsene Wenger desktop avatar created by avatar specialist Skinkers.

Visa uses avatars as "desktop ambassadors", while travel Web site has an avatar called Holly Day who pops up to tell users about new offers based on a profile of the kind of holiday they want.

Other financial services companies are also dabbling in avatars, seeing the virtual characters as a way of guiding customers through information about complex products. Newcastle Building Society, for example, offers visitors to its Web site a virtual assistant in the form of Avril, created using Veepers technology from Pulse 3D in the US.

She answers customers' questions on the Society's offset mortgage account. Robert Hollinshead, the Society's chief executive, takes a personal interest in Avril. "We're looking at ways to extend the service to other products," he says.

The Goonhilly Earth Station in Cornwall uses Veepers technology on its Web site to offer visitors the chance to create their own avatar, based on a 2D image of themselves. This virtual image then reads aloud information about the tourist attraction.

The Scottish Assembly takes a similar approach with the junior section of its site, attempting to draw in children by using an avatar called Seonaid (above), created by Digital Animations Group.

Not all avatars make it, though. First Direct used an avatar called Cara to guide customers through its mortgage application procedures, but has shelved her. A spokeswoman for the bank said, "We decided to take her off the site. We had good feedback when she was up there, but we've decided to find other ways to give people information on our services."

Avatars can also be used to gather information. There's hard evidence that avatars on a site can improve its impact on consumers, and can encourage people to give information about themselves that can be used for marketing.

For example, a study from Stanford University that examined the use of avatars on Dell's site found that users who interacted with them were twice as likely to buy online and three times more likely to give personal information than those who didn't.

Professor Byron Reeves of Stanford, who was involved with the research, explains the success of avatars. "Computer users expect online experiences to have a social element, even if they're interacting with a non-human entity," he says. "The more human the interface, the higher the expectation of true social interaction, and the more receptive the user is likely to be to the experience."

MTV found this to be true when it used avatars last year to promote The Osbournes, with a desktop Ozzy character, also created by Skinkers. "It communicates with people in a fun way that has high permissive credentials," explains Matthew Kershaw, MTV's head of interactive. Once a trusted dialogue has opened up with people, they're more willing to divulge personal information that can be used in future campaigns.

The technology can bring concrete results. Online campaigns featuring avatars for V Graham Norton and Celebrity Big Brother, again created by Skinkers, generated click-through rates of 30%--an enviable record.

Teaching ability

A potentially much more lucrative future for avatars comes from their internal use by companies keen to encourage staff to take part in e-learning programmes, which work out cheaper for them to provide than face-to-face training. Pulse 3D has been very active in this market. Its research suggests that when avatars are used for e-learning content, use of the online courses increases by 400%.

Another strongly tipped future for avatars is on the screens of mobile phones. Anthropics, a small venture capital-funded British company spun out of the National Film and Television School, has created animation software that has brought a talking hamster to Trouble TV, and plans to extend it to mobiles. Prototypes show animated animals like kittens that can be displayed on mobile phone screens. When an incoming call comes through, the kitten appears on screen and talks with the caller's voice. The company is in discussions with major mobile phone manufacturers to build the technology into handsets.

It has also fastened on football fans as a target. "You could have Thierry Henry for Arsenal fans," suggests Andrew Berend, Anthropics' chief executive. It's difficult to tell why, but it seems the team has the lead in the cartoon market as well as the premiership--if you have an avatar ambition, you should be gunning for the Gunners.